Did I really see Wed Aug 6 on the top bar of my laptop? Heh I really need to be extra careful as I have important dates to remember this month (my parents' birthdays). But mum's birthday was few days ago. We managed to buy a cake for her. Not we, my cousins did. Bad me!!
How was Eid so far? Mine was pretty much the same every year. We did the same routine on the first day of Raya, and non-stop visiting from relatives and friends.
(Thanks for coming hehe)
I basically cannot wear nice and fancy clothes during this Raya season because believe me, I will end up washing dishes or running errands or preparing the table. Of course, I refused to take pictures! I don't want to look like someone who just got out from the kitchen after frying almost 16 chickens (ops, sounds so me!). Maybe mums just cant see their daughters leisurely eating kuih raya in front of the tv kan? They will surely ask us for help. But that's a good thing. You don't want to end up being a wife that only knows how to cook/make instant noodles, no?
PS; Reviews coming up!